The Law of Attraction in Santería, the Mind, and the Success of the Good Religious Person
If you seek prosperity, happiness, and stability, this book is for you. Here, you will learn how to use the three main tools at the core of the practice: Santería, Ifá, Espiritism, and Palo Mayombe. These are: (The Law of Attraction), (Mental Power), and (The Blessings of Iré). These three elements combine to form a single powerful force, making ebó effective and saving you thousands of dollars while creating a solid path to success and the achievement of all your goals and dreams. This remarkable book is an awakening to the reality that will free you from the clutches of scammers and liars in religion. Discover the secret of Iré and learn how to avoid witchcraft. Understand how our mental abilities, using the power of Orí (Consciousness and Subconscious), lead us to our goals. By harnessing the strength of our mind and aligning with the energies of Orisha and the Law of Attraction, we can unlock a deeper understanding of ourselves and access the wealth of the universe that is within everyone's reach.
Dr. Obà Oriaté David Alá Aggayú©️
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The Law of Attraction in Santería, the Mind, and the Success of the Good Religious Person