IYAMI OSHORONGA - The Why of Life and Death
The most comprehensive encyclopedia on Iyami Oshoronga, Iyami Aje, and many other deities, with 800 pages, now available for pre-sale. Discover the mysteries and deep secrets of the Ìyáàmi Oshoronga, creators of the world and existence. Book #40 by Dr. Obà Oriaté David Alá Aggayú, Ìyáàmi Oshoronga: The Why of Life and Death reveals the power of feminine deities in the cycles of life, the spiritual connection with blood, the secrets passed down orally, and how to work with their complex energy. With teachings from Osha, Ifá, Palo Mayombe, Spiritism, and all religious hierarchies, we explore how Iyami manifests in our lives in different ways.
Learn the true history, offerings, rituals, ebos, relationships with other Orishas, Akose, topics on Igba Odù, Iyami Àjẹ, and how we achieve balance and prosperity in life, especially when an ebo doesn't work. Through 800 pages, this book promises to serve as a guide for you and your loved ones to achieve success, money, stability, children, prosperity, work, and health, whether religious or non-religious-aleyo. An essential work for those seeking to live in harmony. Get ready to read a legendary book!
Dr. Obà Oriaté David Alá Aggayú
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IYAMI OSHORONGA - The Why of Life and Death